
Parents often would like their child to receive a dose of medicine during school hours.

The 1998 revised Oregon School Medication Law states that the school will administer only medication that is necessary... and when the failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student... or if the student would not be able to attend school if medication were not made available during school hours.

A written request must be submitted to the health office before any prescription or nonprescription medication can be administered. The written instructions must include:

  • name of student
  • teacher name (K-4); grade of student (5-12)
  • name of medication
  • dosage to be given
  • time of day to be given
  • any other special instructions
  • parent signature & current date

Medication is to be submitted in its original container. No baggies, plastic containers, envelopes, etc. (By law, medication sent in this manner cannot be administered.)

  • Please send only the amount needed for doses to be taken at school.
  • Any "self-medication" must be worked out with the district nurse.


All medications must be transported to school by parent or guardian. Call the district nurse to make other arrangements.


1401 Laurel Street

(541)998-5037 or (541)998-2386
Fax: (541)998-8422